
This is where talented people can have a resounding impact on the lives of many

NISA's founders began their careers as professors at Washington University in St. Louis, where they were pioneers in research on fixed-income investing. After leaving academia to work on Wall Street, they returned to St. Louis and founded NISA Investment Advisors, LLC in 1994 as a firm focused on fixed-income investing for large institutions.

With 375+ employees based at our office in St. Louis, Missouri, each member of our team has a tremendous amount of responsibility—and positive influence on our clients' long-term success.

NISA by the Numbers

1 Location

St. Louis, MO





30 yrs

as an institutional manager

$274 billion

in physical assets

$3 million

donated to the St. Louis community through the NISA Charitable Fund

$154 billion

in derivative notational value

#1 largest*

St. Louis-based financial asset manager

$429 billion**

in assets under management (AUM)

*Source: St. Louis' Largest Financial Asset Managers Rankings announced by the St. Louis Business Journal on January 5, 2024. Information on the list was supplied to the St. Louis Business Journal by S&P Global Market Intelligence and was not independently verified by the St. Louis Business Journal. Data is based on Form ADVs for the most recent fiscal year available in the SEC's registered investment advisor information reports. To be included, firms had to be registered investment advisors with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and based in the St. Louis region. No compensation was paid by NISA in connection with obtaining or using this ranking.
**Assets Under Management is as of December 31, 2024. $274 billion in physical assets $154 billion in derivatives notional value.

Our Employees Are Our Greatest Asset